Nobody Wants to Work: 1800s Edition

Question: In your opinion, when was peak music? What decade or period do you believe was the best? I know your answer, and you're right. My answer is probably different than yours, but I'm probably right, too. Let me guess. Your answer probably correlates with your mid-to-late teen years. Am I right? That would be my answer, and the data says you're probably in a similar camp. Someone actually studied this! Check out the graphic below:

In short, we tend to like music that was created after we were born, with our peak love being the music produced when we're teens. Then, it's all downhill from there. By the time we reach age 35, we start to think newer music sucks.

When it comes to music, we all know we're right......but are we? The generational bias runs deep, but we're too stubborn to admit that. This little nuance is silly and innocent when it comes to our generation bickering about what music rocks and what music sucks, but it comes with harsher consequences when it spills into other areas of life.

Notably, I'm thinking about a common cultural narrative in our society. "Nobody wants to work anymore." And by "nobody," we tend to point our fingers at the younger generation. This narrative has been floating around in our society for years, but it catapulted to a whole new level when COVID hit. I heard it three times in the airport just yesterday!

While I think there are a good number of young people who don't want to work, I couldn't disagree more with this sentiment. We're stereotyping an entire generation based on the behavior of the lazy minority. Did you know any lazy turds in your generation? Of course you did! Some of them were probably your classmates, neighbors, and family members. Every generation has them.

For that reason, it made me smile when I stumbled into this little video clip. The content creator curated news clippings from multiple eras, each saying the same thing: "People don't want to work anymore." And the funny thing is, these clips go back as far as 1894!

It's funny to think about. Some (probably) middle-aged dude, nearing the turn of the century and the introduction of the automobile, with the proliferation of cell phones still 100 years away, is ranting to a newspaper about how young people don't want to work anymore.

This video highlights one thing to me. As the older generation(s) leading the way, instead of beating down these kids and young adults with insults, we have an opportunity to lift them up. Sure, some will be lazy turds; no doubt! But most have a drive and a desire to make a difference in this world. This generation will absolutely change the world. Further, this young generation we lament will soon be in charge of this country while we're still alive! Therefore, let's lift people up, encourage them, mentor them, and propel them to heights we've never seen. That would be a fun legacy for our generation, wouldn't it?


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