Listening to Those Nudges

After my Grandma's funeral on Saturday, I hopped in the car and bee-lined a two-hour drive to the airport so I could board a flight to Mississippi. I'm hanging out in a dry ice plant in SW Mississippi for the next few days, trying to add value to one of my clients.

I spent yesterday grinding in the office, which was extremely productive. As lunchtime approached, I realized I had no vehicle, and there wasn't anything within walking distance. Thus, I pulled out my rarely-used DoorDash app to save me.

When using digital platforms, I tip cash if I have it on me. Call me a conspiracy theorist, but tipping cash is the only way to ensure 100% of that tip ends up in the hands of its intended target. Luckily for me, I had about $50 in my pocket.

That was the setup, and here's the story. I waited about 20 minutes for my food to arrive. During that time, I felt a nudge. It was a nudge to lean heavy on the tip. My entire order was $10, so what does a heavy tip mean? $5? $10? More? As time passed, I felt a continued nudge to lean even heavier; by the time the driver was pulling up with my delicious Taco Bell, I felt oddly convicted I needed to give the entire $50 stack to the driver.

I long ago learned to listen to these types of nudges, no matter how crazy they may seem. Some may call it intuition, while others may refer to it as the Holy Spirit. I'm not in the judging business.....I'm in the listening business. In our family, we respond to nudges, and today, Mr. Taco Bell DoorDash was the target of a nudge.

I eagerly waited for the delivery car to peek above the hill. As he pulled up, I noticed a few things. He was driving an incredibly beat-up truck......nearly falling apart. His wife (or girlfriend) was sitting in the passenger seat. Her name was the registered Dash driver, but they were clearly out making runs together. When he hopped out of the truck to bring my food, he was extraordinarily polite. I noticed a big cross on his T-shirt. He handed me my food, said, "God bless," and quickly turned toward his hanging-on-by-a-thread truck.

I shouted that I had a tip for him. He turned back toward me. "Oh, thank you much," as he re-approached me. I handed him the cash. "Are you serious? You have no idea! I don't even know........thank you, thank you!"

Nudges, man! I don't know what the story is, but I know there's a story. I'll probably never know the full context of what it meant, and that's ok. My job isn't to piece it all together, but rather to play the tiny role I was called to play. I peacefully went to bed last night, knowing I listened to that nudge.

Listen to those nudges. Yes, they can be weird. Yes, they can be uncomfortable. Yes, they can challenge us. But they exist for a reason. Stretch yourself and lean into them. Generosity always wins!


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