Keep Doing Good

Our nation was hit with another senseless school shooting yesterday. It was the latest in a string of tragic events that have ripped countless families apart. Day after day, bad things keep happening. Do you ever wake up some days and ask yourself why all this keeps happening?

There's a real helplessness that can fall onto our psyche as tragedy after tragedy impacts our lives and the lives around us. A helplessness and hopelessness. There's no shortage of terrible things all around us. Just in the past few weeks, I've walked alongside several families dealing with unspeakable loss.

While I can't undo or directly impact many of these tragedies happening around me, I have a role to play......and you do, too! In a world inundated with pain, suffering, and evil, we have an opportunity and responsibility in front of each of us: keep doing good.

Each day, we can choose to add to the pain, sit on our hands and be complacent, or do good. Each day is a new choice. Do I want to add to people's suffering, sit idly, or keep doing good?

This world needs all the good it can get. People need all the good they can get. That's my call to action today, short and sweet. Keep doing good. Each day, choose to do good. We can't necessarily prevent some of these painful events from unfolding, but we do have the collective power to drive more good into the world than bad can take away.

Maybe it's just wishful thinking on my part. Maybe it's impossible to make up for all the terror we're experiencing. Maybe it is, in fact, hopeless. However, I'm just crazy enough to believe that we do have influence. We do have an opportunity. We do have responsibility. I think each of us wields far more influence on this world than we know. I think today is a day to fight back with good. Keep doing good. Make an intentional choice each and every day. Let's push back on evil.


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The Creep Is Real


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