Is This the Year?
While every day is a great day to make changes, there's something special about New Year's. Closing the book on one chapter, beginning another. A reset of the calendar. New hope. Endless possibilities. It's a time to reflect on what was, and dream about what could be.
Is this the year?
Is this the year you create financial unity with your spouse?
Is this the year you get out of debt?
Is this the year you start that business?
Is this the year you get intentional with budgeting?
Is this the year you get in shape?
Is this the year you lean hard into generosity?
Is this the year you apply for the job that better suits your gifts, passions, and values?
Is this the year you get married or build your family?
Is this the year you remove toxic forces and people from your life?
Is this the year you launch a new product or service?
Is this the year you change your diet?
Is this the year you share your art with the world?
Is this the year? Hit me back and let me know what you'll accomplish in 2025. I hope it's the year. I hope you crush it. I hope it's the best one yet. Happy New Year, everyone!
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