Good news: I didn't die! My alumni basketball tournament was a blast. We went 0-3, and it was a humbling experience, but I had a great time. I'm so grateful that my back held up and I was able to compete without significant injury. I definitely lacked confidence and was cautious with my movements, but I think this experience will give me the momentum to keep working toward getting on the court more often.
I didn't anticipate being the oldest team there, but alas, we were the old guys. One of my favorite parts of the day was when we got matched up against a much younger team comprised of kids of my high school classmates. Yes, we played the kids of our peers. There were some great young men in the bunch, and it was fun to interact in that context.
The entire experience shined a glaring light on a reality that haunts us all: time is fleeting. It seems like just two years ago I was playing high school ball, and just like that, I'm playing against grown men who are the children of my classmates. Time is funny like that.
Experiences like this and reminders like today's reiterate the importance of living with meaning. If we just live our lives kicking the can down the road one day, one week, one month, and one year at a time, we'll one day wake up with overflowing regret.
If you're 40 years old, you have maybe 40-50 years left. Of those, how many will allow you the good health and mental cognition to soak in every experience? It's fleeting. Every day brings us one day closer to our end. I'm not trying to be depressing, but rather create urgency. If time is fleeting we ought not waste it.
I so badly want people to seize their best lives and live with meaning. They deserve it. You deserve it. We have one shot at this thing called life, and it's far to short to spend it pursuiring money, stuff, and status.
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