Even the Best Laid Plans

I had something specific to write about today, but that all went out the window as I’m meandering through a string of failures. We’re on an annual family camping trip, which is starting off strong. I thought I had all the pieces in place to successfully publish this blog each day.

  1. My laptop

  2. Access to a power source to charge said laptop

  3. Campground WiFi

  4. Hotspot capabilities as a backup to the campground’s Wifi

Yet, here I am, well after midnight, unable to get this bad boy published. The campground’s Wifi isn’t working at all, and my cell phone has zero signal. It’s not how I thought my day would end, late at night, aimlessly driving around the campground trying to get either a cell phone signal or a working WiFI connection. I had everything planned out, including contingencies, yet I failed.

Money can be a lot like that as well. Even the best-laid plans can yield negative results. Sometimes the ball just doesn’t bounce in our favor. It doesn’t mean it was a bad idea, or we screwed up, or we’re not good enough. Sometimes it just means we got a lousy outcome. I’ve had several of those over the years, including a few in the last 18 months. We can either feel defeated by these losses, or we can strike them up for what they really are: unfortunate outcomes. If we keep doing the right thing for the right reasons, we’ll win far more of these battles than we lose. They key is getting back up on that horse and knowing you aren’t the failure. It’s not always easy, but it does get somewhat easier after enough repetitions. This is something I strongly encourage with my younger clients who don’t yet have the experience to prove what I’m saying is true. We just gotta keep moving forward, win or lose. And if we did the best we can and executed well, but still lost, oh well. We’ll get it next time!

Anyway, sorry for the late post today! Have a wonderful day!


The Struggle is What Makes the Adventure


Who Are You Going to Offend?