327 - Sexy Isn’t Always Better: Why the Pursuit of Meaning is Far Too Underrated
It seems like everyone has a sexy product to sell. Become a millionaire in 24 months! Increase your income by $10,000/month! Create passive income so you can sit on a beach! Sexy, sexy, and sexy. On the other hand, it’s funny how unsexy our meaning over money ideas are. “It’s not about getting rich.” “We shouldn’t glorify retirement.” “Work is just as important as fun.” To be frank, these messages to catch eyeballs and attention. However, time and time again, when people decide to aggressively pursue the less sexy path toward meaning, everything changes. In today’s episode, host Travis Shelton tries to put into words how something so unsexy can be so, so good. After you’re done with this episode, we hope you agree.
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