303 - You Are Where You Are: The Beauty of Not Dwelling on the Past

Have you made any mistakes or poor financial decisions in the past? Whew, glad we aren’t the only ones! We all have junk our our past: regret, frustrations, and lingering consequences. In today’s episode, host Travis Shelton explains how we only have two options on how to approach it. We can either dwell on the past and sit in our regret, or we can put 100% of our energies and focus on the present and future. Since we can’t go back, our encouragement is to let the past live in the rear-view mirror and get busy moving into a better future. You are where you are, and that’s a good thing.

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304 - A Beginner's Guide to Taxable Investing (And What Not to Do)


302: Why Most People Grossly Underperform the Stock Market, and How to Easily Fix It