297 - Master Your Universe: Focus on What You Can Control, Let Go of What You Can't

Do you ever get worked up about all the things you can't control? You aren't alone! There are two categories of things in life: those we can control, and those we can't. And unfortunately, most are in the "can't" camp. In today's episode, host Travis Shelton discusses the importance of focusing our energy on the things we can actually control. When we do, it's amazing how we can indirectly influence the things we can't actually control. Whether it's money, work, or any number of components in our life, we just need to control what we can control, and let go of the rest.

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298 - An Investing Wake-Up Call: How One Family Transformed Their Financial Future in Just 10 Minutes


296 - Did You Make 26% On Your Investments in 2023? If Not, We Need to Talk