265 - Meaning, Money, Fulfillment, and Impact (with Joe Stephan)

We have a special episode for you today! In a rare interview, host Travis Shelton sits down with Joe Stephan. Joe is the host of the It's Never About Money Podcast, co-founder of Stephan Independent Advisory, and our new favorite Aussie. Our introduction to Joe and his amazing work happened when Travis's Media Director exclaimed, "It's the Australian version of Meaning Over Money!" This conversation is the continuation of Travis's recent appearance on It's Never About Money. If you haven't listened to that episode yet, we suggest you stop, click the link below, listen, and then swing back here for part two. We are grateful for Joe and his amazing work, and glad we get to call him a friend. Enjoy!

If you have questions or would like to connect with us outside of the podcast, here's where you can find us:

Daily Blog: https://travisshelton.com/blog

Instagram:  www.instagram.com/travis_shelton_

YouTube:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCasnj17-bOl_CZ0Cb9czmyQ

Travis’s LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/travisshelton

E-Mail Us:  meaningovermoneypodcast@gmail.com


266 - Cushion is Key: How One Simple Adjustment Can Change Everything


264 - Get Your At-Bats: Embrace the Risk of Striking Out