123 - What REALLY Adds Value To Your Life?

Today's episode is short and simple. We're going to do a self-assessment to determine the top 10 things that add value to your life. It's an odd concept, and probably not something you've thought about much along the journey. Here's how it works. Spend some time thinking about what's really important to you. What are the 10 things that add the most value to your life. It can be anything. A product, an activity, a service, a possession.....be creative as you want. Once you inventory your top 10, determine if they line up with your financial and life decisions, or does there appear to be a gap between our values and our behavior? Also, if you're married, what does the overlap look like between you and your spouse? If you're willing to share, we'd love for you to hop on the Facebook group (link below) and tell us what you learned from this little exercise. From there, we'll produce part 2 of this series, where we believe we'll have some very interesting conclusions and takeaways.

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124 - Don't Let the Selfishness of Others Steal Your Generous Spirit


122 - The Misperception of Being Controlled vs. Having Control