117 - Living Below Your Structure

When it comes to money, a common piece of advice you've probably heard is "live below your means." On the surface, this idea makes intuitive sense and indeed can create a debt-free life. It's practical and it's intuitive. However, as one of host Travis Shelton's friends recently explained, this mindset can lead us down a self-serving, entitled, and narcissistic path. It's a path where we continually reward ourselves with nicer cars, bigger houses, and more glamorous trips. It's the pursuit of more. Instead, she proposed an alternative mindset. For each of us to establish our base standard of living, i.e. "structure", then giving the majority of the excess. Doing so creates a life of service to others, while also maintaining margin in our life to be in a position to make life/career shifts as we're called to do so. There are three main routes we can pursue with excess: hoarding, materialism, or unhinged generosity. This is the case for the third option. Yes, we understand the counter-cultural nature of this idea. But as you know, our job isn't to tell people what to do. Rather, it's to share a different perspective, help people see this money stuff from a different angle, then make the best decision for their journey.

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118 - To Combine or Not to Combine


116 - Preparing for Financial Windfalls