115 - The Chicken and Egg of Financial Privilege

One of the most common criticisms we receive about our content is our perspectives come from a place of financial privilege.  Translation: most people can't view and handle work/money they way we discuss it.  If we're going to be fair, let's go ahead and acknowledge host Travis Shelton probably does have some level of financial privilege.  That's not under debate.  What is under debate is whether it's the chicken or the egg.  Does he have these perspectives because he has financial privilege....or does he have financial privilege because he has these perspectives.  In today's episode, Travis discusses the three ways people acquire "financial privilege", why so many people sabotage themselves from moving forward in their finances, and what his experience has been working with people who are absolutely NOT financially privileged.  Spoiler:  they oftentimes move forward to the point people start calling them "privileged."  We hope this is a thought-provoking episode, and ultimately encouraging to you and your journey.  

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Travis's website:  www.travisshelton.com

E-Mail Us:  meaningovermoneypodcast@gmail.com


116 - Preparing for Financial Windfalls


114 - Bending the Culture of Student Loans (with Kristina Ellis)