112 - Give What You Have, Not What You Don't

Generosity is awesome! For us, there's nothing better. But whenever we start to think about generosity and giving, it can be easy to minimize ourselves. "I don't have enough to make a difference." "I'll just wait until I have more to give." "Giving is something those other people are able to do." Don't worry, we've done it too! In today's episode, host Travis Shelton talks about the importance of focusing on what we DO have, rather than dwelling on what we DON'T have. It sounds like splitting hairs, but it can make all the difference in the world. When we stop comparing ourselves to others and simply give in accordance to our financial abilities, amazing things can happen. This isn't about keeping score, or doing more than the next person. It's about being faithful with what we're blessed with, giving joyfully and sacrificially, and knowing it was a gift worth giving.

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113 - Financially Preparing for Kids


111 - "Help, I Have a Spending Problem!"