103 - Why Your Credit Card Points Are Actually Losing You Money

This will surely cause some controversy, but it's a hill we will die on. In today's episode, host Travis Shelton makes the argument your credit card points are actually losing you money. No, not because you're "irresponsible" with your credit card and paying interest. We're going to make the assumption you are perfect with your handling of your credit card......and still losing money. After you listen, we'd love to hear your feedback! Hop over to our podcast community (link below) and share you opinions with us. We understand this is going to rub some people the wrong way. Always remember, we're not trying to tell you what to do. Rather, we want to share a different perspective and let you make whatever decision is best for your family. Thanks for listening!

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Travis's website:  www.travisshelton.com

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104 - Life is a Series of Levers, So Know Which Ones to Pull


102 - 42% of Americans Making $100K+ Live Paycheck-to-Paycheck