100 - Why Would You Pursue Meaning Over Money?

One of the most frequent questions we get asked is about host Travis Shelton's drastic decision to leave his career and take a 90% pay cut to do something different.  Why?  Why would someone do that?  Why would you take such a hit, especially with two toddlers and being the sole income of the family?  Well, the name Meaning Over Money isn't just a name.  It inherently represents who we are and how we live our lives.  In today's episode, Travis shares the real reason behind his decision.  But his decision and his reasoning is just that, his.  We each have our own story, our own journey, and our own path to walk.  So many people around us are walking their own meaning over money journeys.  Amazing stories are being written, seemingly-crazy decisions are being made, and people are being impacted.  It isn't unique to us, and we certainly don't have a monopoly on meaning, but we we do have a microphone.  So we're going to continue to lean into the idea of putting meaning over money.  We hope this episode a) helps you understand where we're coming from, b) gives you something to think about with your own life, and c) inspires you to say "yes" to a very scary/exciting decision you've been pondering for months (or years).  

WHAT IS YOUR MEANING OVER MONEY STORY?  We'd love to hear from you!

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If you have questions or would like to connect with us outside of the podcast, here's where you can find us:

Online Course:  www.meaningover.money (podcast listeners can get 25% off by using the promo code "podcast25")

YouTube:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCasnj17-bOl_CZ0Cb9czmyQ

Instagram:  www.instagram.com/meaning_over_money

Travis's Instagram:  www.instagram.com/travis_shelton_

Travis's website:  www.travisshelton.com

E-Mail Us:  meaningovermoneypodcast@gmail.com


101 - How to Budget for Travel


099 - Best Life Advice We've Ever Received #3 (Listener Edition)