085 - When Paying Off Debt Becomes an Idol

Sometimes good things can become bad. Paying off debt is one of those things. There has become an entire movement based around the pursuit of becoming debt-free. We're all for it, but there's a toxic underside to this at times. For some, the journey to pay off debt can become an idol that blocks out all the other good things in life. Faith, relationships, meaningful work, serving, generosity, fun. These are all good things, important things. But for some, paying off debt becomes the sole focus in life....to the point where something that should be a positive becomes a negative. Then once the debt is gone, these same behaviors and practices manifest in a new toxic way. In today's episode, host Travis Shelton discuss this risk and how to navigate it in your own journey. Yes, let's get out of debt! But let's do it in a healthy way that will allow you to be a whole person on the other side of the debt.

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086 - When Your Job is Literally Killing You


084 - Investing: Fees, the Secret Thief