052 - Dive In Head-First

In today's episode, host Travis Shelton shares the story of his new friends, Jake and Meredith. Jake and Meredith are a young adult couple who model exactly what it looks like to dive head-first into life, calling, and community. There's so much we can learn from this young couple and how they approach life together. In a world that says we should do what's safe, comfortable, and easy, the road less traveled is often the far harder, but far more fulfilling road. Travis compares Jake and Meredith's journey to his own, and shines the light on how poorly he and his wife Sarah did it. Here's the moral of today's story: be a Jake and Meredith....not a Travis and Sarah!!

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053 - Comfortable Being Uncomfortable, Part 2


051 - True Generosity is a Two-Way Street