045 - Forget The World, Spend YOUR Values

One of the biggest psychological hurdles we face with money is we subconsciously spend our money in accordance with the world's values. When we do this, it robs us of our joy because we are spending money on things that don't truly add value to our lives. Every time we spend a dollar on something we don't care about, it's one less dollar we get to spend on something we do care about. The repercussions can be as deep as they are wide. In today's episode, host Travis Shelton emphasizes the importance of spending in accordance to YOUR values, and tries to reframe the discussion through a different lens. If we can embrace this concept, it will be far easier to disregard the judging and criticism we receive from friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, and random people on social media.

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046 - When You Stop Caring About Money


044 - Embarrassing Happens