042 - The Teacher Myth

Teachers (and the teaching profession) get a bad rap in our culture, and we think it's unfair and unwarranted.  Specifically, we want to address something we refer to as "the teacher myth."  The narrative in our culture tells us teachers don't make much and will always be poor, thus discouraging current and future teachers from using their unique gifts to bless our children.  In today's episode, host Travis Shelton explains why teachers have a better gig than we give them credit for, and why it matters.  Travis coaches a lot of teachers, and honestly, most of them are absolutely crushing it on the financial front.  If you're a teacher, or aspire to one day become one, we hope this episode sheds some positive light and provides encouragement.  Lastly, thank you to all the teachers who are making a difference in this world!  

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Travis's Instagram:  www.instagram.com/travis_shelton_

Travis's website:  www.travisshelton.com

E-Mail Us:  meaningovermoneypodcast@gmail.com


043 - Garbage In, Garbage Out


041 - Men vs. Women: The Fall-Out and Follow-Up