PODCAST - Money Does Not Equal Happiness

Publication Date: 10/20/2022

Podcast Name: Giving You Something To Talk About

Episode Title: Money Does Not Equal Happiness

Episode Summary: Melissa Krechler and Travis Shelton discuss how money doesn’t equal happiness, but it definitely helps! Join us to learn what money really does equal. Is your happiness tied into finances and what you do or don’t have? Do you want to be happy with yourself, doing what you love and being the person you want to be?

Context: This appearance wasn’t your traditional podcast interivew. First, it was a live broadcast (i.e. no benefit of having my dumb comments edited before publication) and it was a pure discussion format. There were no planned topics or questions, and it certainly didn’t flow like an interview. Just two new friends talking about some fun subjects. Melissa, you were awesome! Hope you all enjoy!

Where you can find it:


ARTICLE - Why More Money Isn't Making Us Happier


TALK - Compensation Matters...But Less Than You Think