"Tacky Place, Tacky Owner"

We recently passed the 9-month mark since opening Northern Vessel's brick-and-mortar location. To say it's been a whirlwind would be a gross understatement. We're equally shocked and grateful for what's transpired in this short time. 

One of our greatest honors is the opportunity to serve thousands of people. Some are friends, some are strangers, and some are strangers who become friends. It's an opportunity and responsibility we never take for granted. Our customers are so generous to us. They post about us on social media, share our content with their circles, and bring friends/family into the shop to try it out. They also leave us reviews on various platforms. 

Since opening our doors in November 2022, we've received 104 Google reviews. The breakdown is interesting, to say the least:

  • 5-Star: 100

  • 4-Star: 2

  • 3-Star: 0

  • 2-Star: 1

  • 1-Star: 1

The sole 1-star review was left by someone before we even opened our doors. We were in the final stages of installing our equipment and furniture, hoping to open our doors soon. They were upset we weren't open for business yet.....and decided to punish us accordingly. Shame on us! 

The sole 2-star review was made a month ago. It was an interesting experience for everyone involved, staff and customers alike. Nothing particularly bad happened, but this customer's behavior made people uncomfortable. A few hours later, the following review popped up on Google. 

At least the coffee was decent, though. And can we please let the record show that TJ shall forever be known as “tacky?” Let’s put that on a t-shirt!

You can't win 'em all. Some people simply won't be happy with you. For this small minority of people in our lives, we have two options: 1) Try, try, and try (likely unsuccessfully) to make them happy, or 2) Do the right thing for the right reasons and let the cards fall how they may. I used to pursue option #1 in most situations. Surprise (!!), it never seemed to work. It took me far too long to realize these people aren't actually desirous to be satisfied, but rather to find reasons to be upset. There's always something to be mad about! As such, my efforts were futile, and I continually beat my head against the wall in an attempt to achieve the impossible feat. 

Now, however, I focus my attention and energy on the second option: do the right thing for the right reasons and let the cards fall how they may. I still don't make everyone happy, but I go to bed most nights knowing I did the right thing. This approach isn't easy, and I doubt it will ever be. 

Whatever the relevant application in your life, I hope you find this idea useful. We can't win 'em all, so let's keep focus on where our attention is most needed and best applied. Don't let the unattainable expectations of the few hinder your ability to serve those who you wish to serve.


"Travis, I Think I Messed Up."


A Clean Slate