Looking In the Mirror

I’m sitting in the Seoul, Korea airport, awaiting my return flight to America. If I’m being totally honest, I haven’t even had time to digest all that’s transpired over the last six days. I can’t yet put my finger on it, but there’s no doubt this trip changed me. I say that every time I travel abroad, and this time is certainly no different.

These types of trips trigger a particular kind of response for me. It makes me look at myself in the mirror and question if I’m truly doing the work I’m called to do. Both the work I’m paid to do, and the work I’m not. The work outside my home, and in it. Who am I called to serve? How am I called to serve them?

I will again be asking myself these questions, and as always, I’m a bit scared about what I might find. The last question I’ll need to ask myself is if I’m willing to act accordingly. That’s the scariest of propositions…..but also the most fruitful.

This look in the mirror is, in part, what triggered and fueled my drastic career change in early 2019. It’s been one of the hardest, yet most fulfilling journeys I’ve ever endeavored. I’m so grateful for younger me for having the courage to act. I see and feel the impact of that decision every day of my life.

I’ll be sure to share my findings with you soon. In the meantime, what about you? Perhaps it’s time to take a look in the mirror? Your future self just might thank you.


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