Welcome to The Daily Meaning

Well hello there! Long time, no see. While things have been a bit (ok, a LOT) quiet on the blog front, there’s been a lot of things going on. In addition to my ongoing coaching, I’ve been writing for a few regional and international publications, I co-authored my first book, I’ve guested on a bunch of podcasts, I started doing more public speaking, and we’re more than 170 episodes into our Meaning Over Money Podcast. It’s been a lot, but it’s been awesome!

Through all this, two things have become clear:

1) I really miss publishing on my own blog!

2) I have a strong desire to produce short-form content that’s quicker and easier to digest. Most of the content I produce is longer in form. 1,000+ word articles, 60-minute podcast interviews, 15-minute Meaning Over Money episodes, etc.

With those two things in mind, I’ve been developing something that I’m excited to introduce to you today. Welcome to The Daily Meaning, a series of short-form blog posts that will be published multiple times per week.

My goal is to produce short but powerful content that will give you something to think about each morning, which will be delivered right to your inbox if you’re a subscriber. If you’re not a subscriber and you’re viewing this article on the website, you can quickly sign up for free (below if you’re on a phone/tablet or to the right if you’re on a computer). The content will vary from day to day, but it will aim to educate, entertain, or inspire. I hope you find it valuable to your own journey, and perhaps worth sharing with someone in your life.

Your feedback is always appreciated, and I hope this creates a productive dialogue in the days, weeks, months, and years to come. Thanks for being part of this! It means the world to me.


This Job Serves a Purpose (Even if it Sucks)


40 is the New 0, Revisited