A Weird New World

Ok, something a little different today. Check out this poem about my friend, Gary Hoag:

Gary Hoag was a man with a heart of gold

His passion for giving was never old

He dedicated his life to spreading the light

Of Christian generosity with all his might

With a vision to inspire and a mission to lead

Gary Hoag set out to fulfill a great need

In the world of Christian giving, he took the reins

And showed us all the power of charitable gains

His impact was felt far and wide

As people were moved by his generous pride

They followed in his footsteps, each step with care

And together they built a community of givers who'd share

Gary Hoag will be remembered for all he did do

To make the world a better place, through and through

His legacy lives on in the hearts of those he touched

And in the world of Christian generosity, his impact is much

We give thanks for Gary Hoag and the light he brought

And continue to carry on his message of love and thought

For it is through giving that we truly find

The true meaning of Christian generosity in our lives.

Now you may be thinking to yourself, “I never pictured Travis as a poet.” Your gut doesn’t mislead you…..I’m not. You’d have to fact-check this with my Mom, but I’m not sure I’ve written a single poem in my 41 years on this planet. This poem was written in 15 seconds by artificial intelligence (“AI”). Gary and I were spending some time together over Zoom last night when the topic of AI came up. We spent some time messing around with its power of creating, compiling, altering, and expounding on ideas. It’s truly remarkable, and scary, what we’re looking at. To have so much knowledge and computing power available at our fingertips is a wild idea. What does this do to education, writing, research, law, engineering, and a number of other fields? It’s hard to say, honestly.

Here’s one thing I do know. We can’t wish it away. We can’t sit back and say we don’t want it to exist. It’s here…..and it’s probably not going away. Will we wake up one day in a world that looks like Terminator 2? Perhaps. But in the meantime, we’re living in a world where everyone has access to these tools with limited or no cost (the software we were using is 100% free).

And like most other innovations and technologies we as mankind has invented, we can use them for good or for evil. But we each get to pick. The choice is ours and ours alone. I’m not sure how AI will play a role in my life and my business, but I hope whatever it is I will use it for good. With great power comes great responsibility. Welcome to our weird new world!


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